STEPHENSON スティーブンソン社はイングランドのヨークシャー地方で羊毛の洗浄剤開発を手がけ1856年に創業
ヨークシャー地方は、イングランド北部『神の恵みの土地』Gods Own Countryと言われるほど大自然の豊かな場所に位置します。
人と自然の共生”サスティナブルケミストリー”自然と化学の融合を日々研究を続け、ベース製品は有機製法を取り入れながら、 幅広い業界向けに世界最高クラスの革新技術で安心で安全な製品を世界的に供給している老舗の石鹸素地メーカーです。
Stephenson was established in Yorkshire, England in 1856 as a soap manufacture.
Yorkshire is a beautiful region in Northern England which locals call “Gods Own Country” meaning “rich natural land”.
Today, Stephenson is a long-established soap manufacturer who has provided various industries all over the
world with safe and secure products, made with some of the most innovative technology.
Stephenson introduced organic and natural products after studying sustainable chemistry
which is “the coexistence of humans and nature” or “the fusion of chemistry and nature”.
We at 9.Kyuu project sympathize with such a manufacturing concept like Stephenson and hope to create a “Hand-made soap culture in Japan” , and to spread our 9.Kyuu brand to all over the world.